About us

We are a small group of people, all from different ages and backgrounds. We all have in common one thing, and that is the shared desire to improve the ways we are acting towards nature. We deeply care about everything that goes with it. We believe that we are all the same when it comes to environmental sustainability and that we should be all continuously acting more sensibly towards it. This is what has constantly been keeping our group getting-together at meetings, organising events and pretty much trying to do as much as we can. We are continuously learning more and more, from many great organisations, and we all feel deeply inspired by their examples. We would like to share all the knowledge, we managed to gather so far, with everyone who wishes to read our pages. We are also gladly welcoming all kinds of innovative ideas from you too!

You need to know that we are supportive over various projects concerning waste management and waste minimisation, decreasing the use of plastics, cleaning pollution areas, recycling, energy efficiency, planting more trees, and so on and environmentally sustainable businesses. Our goal is to educate as many people as possible in the importance of all of those practices and to motivate them to always try to do the right thing. We know for sure that if we do not change our current ways, the impact on the environment will be devastating. The positive thing here is that it’s absolutely possible to make the world a better and greener place, especially when we are all sharing our knowledge and applying it to everyday life.